terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006

Red Chocolate #4.03

Novamente as malas "quiltadas". Tenho vindo a explorar cada vez mais este modelo (#4) que me parece muito prático e leve. Esta, a nº #4.03 tem uma pequena grande inovação: uma mola de pressão para um pouco mais de segurança.

Aqui um pormenor que ainda não tinha mostrado, as etiquetas numéricas. Para uma identidade registada de cada objecto.

Uma fita directamente do baú da avó...

Uma manhã de Outono orvalhada, no jardim...

Boa semana, com cheiro de geleia e bolacha "maria" com café de saco!

4 comentários:

Krawuggl disse...

I absolutely love your bags, they are gorgeous! And also the little embroideries, they are so lovely. I like those little 'extras' which make things unique and special.
Thank you a lot for your nice comment. I would have thought that in your country the fairs are great, I have always imagined that this is a country with a lot of crafting woman, emroidery and knitting delicate laces. Crafting is still not very famous here, too, so I am always glad to meet someone who is knitting or felting or sewing, it´s so good to meet like-minded people.
Have a great day,
with greetings from Germany,

sara aires disse...

Oh, thank you Suzi! Maybe I was too radical... The fact is that we have great traditions in crafting. The problem is that we're loosing some of them. People don't care much now a days. And the ones still making crafts tend to disapear, taking away techniques and old ways. There is a boom of new crafters, based on the internet thing, but not very diversed, Imean not as one would wish. Anyway it's a starters, maybe this will bring fresh air and new ideas to old ways. I really hope so.
And you're right, it's great to meet people with same interests! Thanks again for your visit!

rafaela teves disse...

Está linda, linda, linda!

(Eu estou boa e com bloguite, à parte de outros problemas enormes com burocracias e contas no banco e contratos e coisas chatas... Depois falamos...)

E PARABÉNS mais uma vez!

Saudades muitas...

sara aires disse...

Como diria a minha gata:


nhita Rafa!